Battle Hack Tel Aviv - Hacking Through The Night 30 July 2013

The Hack

Tel Aviv’s East was the chosen location of our second hackathon in EMEA. Providing a great terrace, enough space for the attendees and professional media equipment helped to create an amazing experience.

More than 36 projects were created during the 24 hours in this sold-out BattleHack and over 80% of all developers stayed for the night to refine their projects and socialize with the other attendees.

Hacking through the night

For our third hackathon 6 judges had to rate 7 categories (PayPal, Sendgrid, Scringo, Conduit, Microsoft Ventures, WIX and Nokia).

The judges

As in Berlin and New York we offered massages to our attendees to make sure they can hack relaxed and energized through the night. Delicious local food and tons of cold drinks (48 red bulls, 52 coca cola, 70 beers and a lot of water) made it easy to bear with more than 30°Celsius outside temperature. Especially the midnight snack timing was perfect to increase developers energy.

Our snacks

The Winners

The crowd

  • 1st Prize: LateBet
  • 2nd Prize: Appstral
  • 3rd Prize: TipGigz


LateBet solves a very simple problem: People tend to be lazy and are often late for dates / meetings. This is partly caused by bad traffic and partly caused by bad planning. When committing on LateBet you need to pay 1 $ per minute you’re being late for your meeting and therefore will be educated to be right in time. The payments processing part is handled via PayPal’s APIs and makes the actual painful part a less painful experience.

Dañny, Yaniv, Maya and Yoav will fly travel nearly 7500 miles to represent Israel and especially the great crowd of Tel Aviv at our finals!

Tel Avivs winners: LateBet

Other winners

Additionally PayPal and the great partners gave out the following extra awards:

  • Most Hardcore (hacked through the night): Randonate
  • Best Idea So Far: mi-job
  • Scringo: TipGigz
  • Wix: PayPal Donation App
  • Conduit: Adopt a pet
  • Microsoft Ventures: Get In Get Paid
  • Nokia: Be Cause


We’ve enjoyed the hackathon and wanted to say thanks to all attendees - neither Berlin, nor New York hosted so many overnight hackers!

A huge “thank you” to our partners Scringo, Conduit, WIX, Microsoft Ventures, SendGrid and Nokia.

Coming from the US? The next city we’ll visit is Seattle!

As it’s tradition in our winners post: Here is the 8bit video we show during the intro session of our hack.

How to hack

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Battle Hack NYC - The Hottest Hack On The Planet 22 July 2013

The Hack

America’s first Battle Hack was held this weekend (July 20th and 21st) in New York’s most awesome Co-Working Space Alley NYC. Over 20 projects were presented on Sunday and our First Prize winner is DeadDropAR.

5 judges rated 4 categories (PayPal, SendGrid, Twilio, Nokia) and had difficulty locating the winner due to the great quality of the projects that got created in 24 hours.

Our Energy Bar

Much tweet love was given to our Energy Bar and Massages as they rejuvenated developers and designers through the night. Refreshing Mojitos, endless beer, and big NYC eats from Bauhaus, Katz and Elaine’s brought hackers out in droves.

Katz Pastrami

The Winners

The crowd

  • 1st Prize: DeadDropAR
  • 2nd Prize: PalPay
  • 3rd Prize: oneTroop


Team DropDeadAR won for their application that puts PayPal payments in both physical and artificial reality locations with virtual dead drops. The application allows a user or a business to leave money (virtually) in any location for someone to find using a mobile phone or Google Glass. The user needs to go to the location and identify the item to which the money is attached in order to pick it up and used a cutting edge augmented reality technology as well as PayPal to transfer the money.

Brian and Yosun will represent New York at BattleHack’s World Finals in Silicon Valley and we can’t wait for another demonstration of their coding abilities.


Other winners

Additionally PayPal and the great partners gave out the following extra awards:

Most Hardcore (hacked through the night): Emergency Location Aware Notifications

Best Progress So Far: GetFreshNY

Best Idea So Far:


We had a lot of fun in New York and want to thank our attendees for showcasing their relentless hack skills!

A special shout-out goes to Alley NYC who provided us with a great location that offered enough space and infrastructure for a hackathon.

Our PayPal Developer team thank you for your dedication and for the awesome apps created. We can’t wait to see the next Battle in New York City.

Also a big thanks to our partners Twilio, SendGrid and Nokia.

Our Team!

Finally a shout out to Nick (SendGrid’s Evangelist) who celebrated his 21 birthday at the event.

As the crowd enjoyed our video so much we’re happy to repost it over here:

How to hack video

Feel free to share or to re-watch:

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Berlin: The World's First Battle Hack 10 June 2013

The Hack

This weekend (June 8th and 9th) more than 90 developers attended our very first Battle Hack in Berlin. In total they formed more than 20 teams which hacked 24 hours. 19 ideas finally got pitched during Sunday’s presentation.

Our experienced panel of 7 judges rated projects based on 4 categories (best apiOmat integration, best Developer Garden integration, best gamification via Wooga and the main challenge from PayPal).

We are especially proud that Battle Hack Berlin brought together dedicated hackers from so many countries, including :

  • Germany
  • Belarus
  • Poland
  • Czech Republic
  • Netherlands

More than 10.000mg/ltr caffeine got consumed (thanks to the energy bar). A part of that came from 50 liters Club Mate and a few Flora Powers.

Woogas kitchen

There was also a literal wall of pizza! In total 40 large pizzas got consumed during one of our late night snacks next to the popcorn and fruits that got served all over the day.

Pizza time

The Winners

The crowd

  • 1st Prize: Clean Berlin
  • 2nd Prize: Clipp
  • 3rd Prize: DIY Flood Warning System & Yeppt

Clean Berlin

Clean Berlin made an easy to use application for iOS that enables Berliners to order a cleaning lady (& or man) to clean up their appartments. The usability of the project was truly great and featured a really nice integration of PayPal’s SDK.

Sergiej and Jurre will be flying over to the world finals as winner’s of Germany’s Battle Hack and will get another chance to showcase their skills.

Clean Berlin!

Other winners

Additionally PayPal and the great partners gave out the following extra awards:

Best use of apiOmat API

  • 1st Prize: Clipp
  • 2nd Prize: Emergency Location Aware Notifications
  • 3rd Prize: Clean Berlin

Wooga Award: BarHunter

Developer Garden Award: OnTime

Most Hardcore (hacked through the night): Emergency Location Aware Notifications

Best social app: Yeppt


Thanks to all hackers that attended this event! And of course to the generosity of Wooga (check their great summary of the event here).

Our PayPal Developer team thank you for your dedication and for the awesome apps created. We can’t wait to see the next Battle in New York City.

Special thanks goes to our two helpers (Ligi & Philip) and of course our partners !

And for all the requests – here’s our how to hack video.

How to hack video

For those of you who still want to share out “How to hack” video, here it is:

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Introducing Battle Hack 31 May 2013

Why Battle Hack?

We have a tradition at PayPal of supporting hackers. We attended dozens of hackathons in the last years and we sponsored many of them. We also organised our own series of CharityHack events in the last few years in London. So when we started thinking of bringing our events to a global scale we had a bit of a think and what we came up with is Battle Hack.

Battle Hack will be a world series of hackathons held in 10 cities over a span of 6 months, all in a search for the best hackers in the world. It all starts with Berlin in June and ends with the world finals in Silicon Valley in November. Every city will battle it out to select their local champion who we will fly to the world finals for one last hack-off.

Register Prizes Partners


Code, Sweat, and Tears


You’re probably thinking now why you should come and hack. Sure, we will give you food, drinks, Raspberry Pi’s for the first 50 people, and a trip to Silicon Valley for the winners in every city. But where is the glory?!

When you win your Battle Hack city stage we will make sure that you don’t leave empty handed. Literally.

Its an axe!

Yup, that’s an axe tropy. A 4.3 lbs, 21 inch, solid steel axe trophy. Try explaining that to your mother!

We will fly all city winners over to the world finals for one last hack-off where there is a grand prize of $100,000 USD. You can spend that money on building out your idea, donate it to a charity, or buying more axes. The choice is up to you.

We’d like to thank the academy


Well not the academy, nor our parents, but we couldn’t do Battle Hack without our partners. We’ve invited the coolest local and global companies to join us and provide you with the best APIs and on-site support possible. Here are just some of the ones we’ve confirmed so far:

Shut Up and Take My Registration!


Ready to sign up? Pick your stage and keep in mind that you don’t have to live in the selected city, state, or even country to compete!

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Goodbye CharityHack, Welcome Battle Hack 22 May 2013

When we organised the first CharityHack in London in 2009 we always wanted to bring it to the world stage and this year we will. We have rebranded CharityHack to fit a global goal of hacking for good: Battle Hack.

BattleHack will be a 10 city hackathon series to discover the ultimate hackers on earth. At every stage we set one simple theme: create an app that helps solve a local problem. This could be charities, but also fighting bureacracy, or solving local transport problems.

The winners from every city Battle Hack will be invited to the World Finals in Silicon Valley to prove they’re the Ultimate Hackers on Earth.Winners of the World Finals will receive glory, our axe trophy, and the $100,000 USD grand prize.

Signup for Battle Hack London is open now.

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Berlin: Introducing our Judges and Partners 21 May 2013

Preparation for Battle Hack Berlin is well underway and we're proud to fomarlly announce our sponsors for the first stage.

When we set out to organise Battle Hack we wanted to make sure we included the local community in our event. With our current partners and judges we think to have brought together the best of the Berlin tech scene.

If you haven't signed up yet, there are still hacker tickets available.

  • John
  • Yan
  • Ed
  • Tobias
  • Thomas
  • Lutz
  • Frank

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