Battle Hack Tel Aviv - Hacking Through The Night 30 July 2013

The Hack

Tel Aviv’s East was the chosen location of our second hackathon in EMEA. Providing a great terrace, enough space for the attendees and professional media equipment helped to create an amazing experience.

More than 36 projects were created during the 24 hours in this sold-out BattleHack and over 80% of all developers stayed for the night to refine their projects and socialize with the other attendees.

Hacking through the night

For our third hackathon 6 judges had to rate 7 categories (PayPal, Sendgrid, Scringo, Conduit, Microsoft Ventures, WIX and Nokia).

The judges

As in Berlin and New York we offered massages to our attendees to make sure they can hack relaxed and energized through the night. Delicious local food and tons of cold drinks (48 red bulls, 52 coca cola, 70 beers and a lot of water) made it easy to bear with more than 30°Celsius outside temperature. Especially the midnight snack timing was perfect to increase developers energy.

Our snacks

The Winners

The crowd

  • 1st Prize: LateBet
  • 2nd Prize: Appstral
  • 3rd Prize: TipGigz


LateBet solves a very simple problem: People tend to be lazy and are often late for dates / meetings. This is partly caused by bad traffic and partly caused by bad planning. When committing on LateBet you need to pay 1 $ per minute you’re being late for your meeting and therefore will be educated to be right in time. The payments processing part is handled via PayPal’s APIs and makes the actual painful part a less painful experience.

Dañny, Yaniv, Maya and Yoav will fly travel nearly 7500 miles to represent Israel and especially the great crowd of Tel Aviv at our finals!

Tel Avivs winners: LateBet

Other winners

Additionally PayPal and the great partners gave out the following extra awards:

  • Most Hardcore (hacked through the night): Randonate
  • Best Idea So Far: mi-job
  • Scringo: TipGigz
  • Wix: PayPal Donation App
  • Conduit: Adopt a pet
  • Microsoft Ventures: Get In Get Paid
  • Nokia: Be Cause


We’ve enjoyed the hackathon and wanted to say thanks to all attendees - neither Berlin, nor New York hosted so many overnight hackers!

A huge “thank you” to our partners Scringo, Conduit, WIX, Microsoft Ventures, SendGrid and Nokia.

Coming from the US? The next city we’ll visit is Seattle!

As it’s tradition in our winners post: Here is the 8bit video we show during the intro session of our hack.

How to hack

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